Inquiries about FCInquiries about OEM
Name of the contact person
Contact person's phone number
Mail address
Company name (optional)
Department name (optional)
How did you learn about Center Mobile? -- Please select from the following --(1) Internet search(2) Homepage(3) SNS(4) Magazine(5) Introduction
Please tell us about your current situation. -- Please select from the following --(1) Considering opening a franchise store(2) I want to introduce a company that is considering opening a franchise store(3) I Want to know more about the franchise(4) Considering OEM(5) I want to introduce a company that is considering an OEM store(6) I want to know more about OEM
When are you planning to open the store? -- Please select from the following --(1) Plan to open within 1 to 3 months(2) Plan to open within 3 to 6 months(3) Plan to open after 6 months
In which prefecture or region are you planning to open the store?
Message Body (Optional)